Weekend Projects

I’ve set myself a goal to do something creative or otherwise interesting every weekend. Here you can find brief reports about how I’ve been spending my free time.

Weekend Projects

Everyone involved in Keppinautur was completely worn out after the weekend, partially due to a shortage of staff. A few of us hatched a plan to combat this next year— Run a quarterly in-club tournament to train up staff that can help with the big tournament, and just generally make sure that the whole club has tournament experience.

Weekend Projects
I’m writing this from next weekend, so this will be a bit shorter than usual. I had a couple of weeks with very little motivation, so I didn’t accomplish much other than rest. But I did have a screenshot of a revised sweatpant pattern that I developed during that time, so I figured I should at least put it up here. I have the paper pattern sitting on my unfinished project shelf to prototype sometime in the next few weeks.
Weekend Projects

I’ve noticed recently that my supply of sweatpants is starting to get a bit threadbare, so they’ll need to be replaced soon. This seemed like a great opportunity to remember how to make clothes myself— I’ve been out of practice for a while.

I’ve lost a little bit of weight recently, so the first step was to re-measure. Measuring yourself is not an easy task, and quite error-prone, so I needed to somehow verify that I’d done it right.

Weekend Projects

My main project this week was to get Hugo set up properly for my website, so that I can update it easily. After trying a couple of ready-made themes, I decided to start from scratch instead. Like many things, it felt like it would be easier in the long run if I had a deep understanding of what’s going on, and there’s no better way to learn than by doing.

I downloaded a copy of Bootstrap into a blank Hugo theme and got to work. Many of the typographic choices got copied from my previous website, but now everything is set up modularly— The next time I publish a paper or write a brief note about what I did over the weekend, I just need to write a new markdown file and everything will be formatted like the ones I already have.

Weekend Projects

After seeing me do some filming last weekend, Rúnar asked me to put together a promo video for our tournament next week. That sounded like a fun enough challenge, so I spent Friday’s practice shooting a bunch of footage.

I haven’t ever been happy with any of the “simple” video editing software that I’ve tried in the past. So, for this project, I bit the bullet and downloaded a full-strength tool— DaVinci Resolve. Saturday and Sunday were then spent trying to both learn how to use DaVinci and come up with a servicable video.